UnEarth, UnCover & Unleash.

Archive for September 11, 2011

Stealing “PebbleRoti”

Its been 2 months now since I started ‘digging trash’ at the Thieves Market. I said then that this hobby could be addictive, I was right. Its becoming an obsession to search for things every now and then, more like every day it seems. Its like the race is on to discover as many stuffs as I could and with each new find, the urge to discover more just grew stronger.

The challenge of this whole affair is not just discovering and owning “new” stuffs but acquiring them at a price you felt proud of. The kick is more if you could buy them at a low low price, like what you may termed as a steal. There were of course be times when I felt silly after paying for something which I discovered later that the same items were cheaper elsewhere, sometimes just a few stalls away.

Anyway I won a few and lost a few too, among the many purchases I have made so far.  Sometimes I felt cheated while other times I felt triumphant.

Lately, not sure what got into me but my attention was drawn towards natural stones or pebbles, judging by the size of most that I have collected.  Today I felt good. With almost no bargaining effort put into it, I am the proud owner of a collector’s set of 8 really nice  stones or rocks or whatever you may call it.  They look really gorgeous and guess what?  I paid only 10 Singapore Dollars for it! Cool right?